Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My birthday was pretty good.

Birthdays are not as exciting anymore once you hit your late 20s. Mine was still good though. Mom gave me a gift card to the spa and they were able to get me in at the end of the day on my actual birthday, so I left work early and headed over for a full body massage and seaweed mud treament. It rocked. Then Aaron picked me up for dinner and we headed to FlatTop for some create-your-own stir fry. Mmmm... After dinner we went to Kohl's and Bed, Bath, and Beyond looking for the Dutch Oven that I had asked Aaron for for my birthday (not THAT kind of Dutch oven, you sickos). We found a great deal on a RED Cuisinart pot/pan set at BBB for $100. And with my 20% coupon we decided we couldn't pass it up. Then we raced home to grab the cake and ice cream and head to the Smiths to share it with Debbie whose birthday is also on 2/26. It was DELICIOUS and very cute.

I think I had a record number of hits on my facebook yesterday too, so it's nice to feel loved even though I'm 27. :)

Today, the house search continues as I have relented yet again and agreed to look in Urbana. I'm going to look at 4 houses with my 3rd realtor. Yes, third. One house I have looked at before, but I wrote it off due to where it is located, but I'm willing to give it another shot because I really like the house itself.

Oh, and I'm incredibly bored at work this week.

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