Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Things are looking up again...

Rob commented below and it reminded me that I should probably post another update. God really worked on me the last couple weeks and He totally carried me through the Thanksgiving season. I didn't really even realize it until it was all over with, but it really is amazing how He works sometimes. It's almost like He can shut off an entire section of your brain and hide it from you when you are the most vulnerable... at least that's how it seemed to happen to me. Either way, I'm so grateful for it.

I'm getting into basketball season again, which always makes me happy. And I'm planning on having lots of friends over to watch with me throughout the winter. In fact, tonight, I've invited our whole tailgating crew over to partake in the festivities (and chili!). Should be a good time...

House-buying is not going so well, but I'm not going to fret about it. As it says in Matt 6:27 "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" This decision and the plans that go along with it are not up to me, and God will help me make it happen (and my dad by co-signing the loan). :) It should be noted that Aubrey is praying that I now find a 4BR house so she can move in to. LOL

Thanks for the prayers!!

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