Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Proud Season Ticket Holder

So I tried to post something before lunch but I didn't really have anything interesting to say. I do now though!

Over lunch I went to the Post Office really quick to send off my broken studio lamp. :( First I get hit on by some weird guy who had a strange nervous tick or something and couldn't stand still to save his life. What made that part even more awkward was that Kenny Kim was ahead of me in line. And I didn't really want the strange guy asking me any more personal questions.

Speaking of personal questions... you know if I had a dollar for all the times I've been asked if I go to the U of I since I graduated, I'd probably have enough to pay for my education. Oh well, I guess I should appreciate it while it lasts.

Also over lunch, I finally bought my season tickets. The last straw? Well, I got an email this morning saying that there are only 1,000 horseshoe seats left. Well NOW THERE ARE ONLY 999!!! :D And when I got back I received a Fighting I-Mail saying that the season ticket renewal deadline is 4/27. Whew!!

My website is getting some finishing touches today and Seth says it will be done tonight. I really hope so because I printed 170 cards with the address on them last night!

Tonight is date night!! Ryan finally has a weeknight where he doesn't have to work, but this means that he'll miss our small group party tomorrow night too. :( He's going to fix me dinner at my house (so I can work on stuff while he cooks) and then we're going to see a movie (I think). He wanted to go minigolfing but it's kind of raining and a little chilly here, so probably not.

The mental preparation for my first wedding of the season began on Sunday. I'm trying to make lists and sort things out in my head so I don't miss anything on Saturday. Going to the dress rehearsal on Friday will help, along with having an hour or so to myself at Kristina's house on Saturday morning. Wish me luck!!

Edit: Ooh, I forgot a couple more things... I found out that Pantene has a program where I only have to cut off EIGHT inches of hair instead of TEN! WAHOO! Now THAT I can definitely do. Now I just need to talk Stephanie into it...

My friend Brian sent me a link to a cheap PocketWizard (it's a remote flash trigger for you photo-clueless types). It's on its way to me for only $169!! Yeah!


The Camerons said...

I'll be excited to see the website!

xland said...

Congratulations on the season tickets. WOO HOO!!

I really like the layout of your website but you need to populate it with, oh I don't know...maybe some pictures. ;)

Good luck on your wedding shoot.