Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Massacre at VT

I forgot to mention this below, but the VT thing has been on my mind a lot too. This is absolutely horrifying that this would happen. Some of the video and audio footage brings me to tears. It just breaks my heart that there are people out there dealing with things that they feel like they can't handle, so they feel the need to murder or in this case, mass murder. And then besides the depression, there is the mass amount of hate the gunman had for other people. It makes me ask questions like: Where did this hatred stem from? What initially sparked his disdain for fellow students? Why was his life so bad that he resented other people so much? Why didn't someone realize that his quietness was probably a sign of something else?

All I know is God weeps over situations like this. And I know that that young man needed Jesus more than anything in this world. But like all things, God will use this situation to bring some sort of good, as awful as that may sound the day after.

My prayers and thoughts are with the families of the deceased and the students who had to witness the massacre yesterday. I don't know how I would deal with seeing that.

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