Wednesday, June 4, 2008


aka cupcake update. Today I had the lavender honey... I didn't think it was that bad at the time, but I keep burping up the taste of herbs. Gross. The frosting was again stellar though. So there's that.

I'm now done with weddings until July, so I should have a little more time to post in June. Well, photographically speaking at least. Saturday I have a bridal shower and a bachelorette party and then Sunday I have another bridal shower. Whew!

The second weekend in June, Aaron and I are planning a trip to Ohio to see one of my cousins (Amanda) and her family and then move on to see some of his extended family. Hopefully it will be a relaxed (read: not rushed) long weekend. I'm using my last vacation day until August 1, so it better be good!! :)

The weekend of the 21st I'm going down to STL to visit the Steeles and take some baby portraits for them. Mim and Cora, here I come!

Aaron has been talking about me going camping for some time now, so he and some of our friends have been planning a camping trip (somewhere in Indiana along Lake Michigan) for the last weekend in June.

So, basically, even though I won't have any weddings, I won't be home at all the 4 weekends in June either. Fun, but kind of sad. I want to spend some quality summer time with my house. :(

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